Monday, 28 March 2016

quiet art

I have decided to come up with my own art movement. I don't fit any of the existing categories, and people understand you through labels. And so not to be put into the wrong category,
this way I can dictate my own path. Also most movements come out of being the opposite of what is current in the art world. So to me all exhibitions of modern art is about having a statement making a point, very in your face. Mine isn't political its about form, nature, emotion. I haven't tried to associate an explanation to any of my work like this flower represents the meaning of life blah blah. 

If there was something more to put with my type of art it is the peacefulness you achieve when you meditate, or their is a moment of calm in a day. When I paint the world is pressed on pause, and there is a moment of beauty where you just paint. I suppose those quiet times in such a noisy world that we live in.  You are left with a painting that is quiet, simple to look at, asks you no questions, maybe triggers a memory who knows.

Like all things that are happening in my carer I have taken the No's into I will do it for myself. Couldn't get a gallery to put on a show of my work, so I did my own. Couldn't get an agent so I became my own. Can't fit into the art world so I will create my own. 


Monday, 21 March 2016

this week

- spring equinox is here. my favourite time of the year. shifts everything in my opinion. 

- had a week of doing my accounts figuring out how much everything is actually costing me. so found some new music, while i did my excel spreadsheets.
Summer time - Kat Edmonson
swimming pool - Emmy the great

- randomly watched a documentary about abstract art, found out about the artist who was meant to be the birth of abstract art. Hilma af Klint her art is steeped in spirituality. Then the next day i see she has an exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery. I feel i need to go. 

- I had a meeting in London, and for once had the afternoon all to myself, so spent 3 hours! which flew by at the V&A looking at practically every room. But mainly the ceramics floor to gain inspiration for me and Jacob Bodillys collaboration on the ceramics show we are doing together. 
My favourite piece was the moon jar, it just oozed beauty. 

- currently lusting over a Bodha oil diffuser. it goes hand in hand with my new pinterest board I started for a yoga and wellness centre. why not its pinterest. 

- got a business trip to Paris later this year. Hotel Henriette, is just another perk!

banquet workshop

Monday, 7 March 2016

this week

-obsession: jam. toast, crumpet, croissant you name it jam will be present. Has to be a jam that is homemade by a friend or picked up via a farmers market. 

- La garconne , atiler section on their website I came across for some reason. I love the interior spaces they focus on and taking notes sections. But the rest is just too hipster for me. 

- WANT = women against negative talk. I want this website to get more publicity. It is an excellent site written in a down to earth fashion on how to be more positive about your self. Stop self critiquing yourself. I am guilty of this, but I don't know anyone who isn't.

- I sent this post about copycats to my friend Esme Winter, as she is being badly copied at the moment. I have a copycat, but I think in the creative industry you always will, and its learning how to deal with it. And it is not a compliment don't give me that bashed out line. I was reading a book about modern art and it said how Picasso was furiously jealous of Matisse, and would copy what he was looking at. Reading things like this brings comfort I feel. 

- my work made it into House and Gardens. the magazine is now casually laid open on that page for when people happen to come in and see it. 

'I can feel your smile' Neon, 2005 Tracey Emin

Friday, 4 March 2016

social media

"It is a constant measure, a concrete, indisputable number of how good you are, how many people "like" you, how talented they think you are, and how much they love, or god forbid hate what you are doing. It feels like a forum where people have free reign to judge you and your work, and the worst part is that is makes you feel like you need their approval, their love, their "likes" and "follows". so not only are you constantly judging yourself based on these numbers, you are then taking that judgment, and comparing it to how you measure up against other. "

The whole article is bang on! you really need to read it. 
I make my instagram account to be centred around Lucy Auge the artist. My art, who inspires me, things like that. And yes I may put up a picture of where I am, but it is usually relevant to my work. There are a few scattered selfies here and there but I do find this is useful for meetings so people can recognise you! 

One thing I do control is who I follow back, there was a time where I was following all my friends, illustrators, celebs etc. Basically because I didn't know who to follow, but then I fell into that trap above which the holy kale article speaks about. I started over worrying! I adore my instagram account, but I have totally changed the way I use it. I thought what knowledge do I want to be fed here? And if you look down my follow feed it is mainly yoga,wellbeing, moon related people I follow. Along with craftsmen, in different countries, I love to see what the weather is like on the different side of the world! I follow someone and there is a picture of him in Japan banging snow of his tree! Simple things like that I like to see. Basically none threatening, I don't subconsciously get jealous over that. Maybe a little bit because I love snow, but you get my point..

I just think these days you have got to make everything your own, make it work for you. 

Also I personally feel its quite nice to keep some mystery about your life.

Andreea Diaconu by Annemarieke van Drimmelen for Vogue Netherlands October 2015