Tuesday, 30 August 2016


I spent the bank holiday, swimming in rivers, walking through woods and fields and braving the seas current to feel the salty water. It was the medicine I needed very calming, as all the things I had in my pipeline this year has sort of gone off course, either postponed or hasn't worked. It has made me feel nervous to talk about things before its the final product set in stone. It is hard when things don't work out. I watched a programme about the colour white and Wedgwood tried 411 different glazes till he reached that perfect white. It all comes down to patience. 
However when is it time to throw in the towel? I have thrown out a whole laundry bag of towels this past week personal life and work life. I tend to either let things go on too long or not long enough, probably be my life long lesson finding the balance between the two. 
But there is nothing like spending time in nature where only goodness grows to clear your head, find your roots. Right now that is nature, freedom, spontaneity, and following your heart. 

martin szekely crystal stool

Wednesday, 24 August 2016


I talk about working towards my next section of work, but actually I don't think the work is in sections. Instead it is a continuous section of work, my whole life will be a block of work. You don't just close one project and move on to the next, I find thats what you did at GCSE level. Instead it evolves. I hit a eureka moment yesterday, everything i have been doing has led me to this new style of painting. It feels so honest and true. You know that saying, 'everything happens for a reason', I believe having this break from the studio and continuously working and painting has made me step back and research. I have been writing down in a notebook everything I discover. getting back to the core looking at true artists like David Nash and Andy Goldsworthy who make art alongside nature. You see their studio it is so basic and some art is never seen its just out there existing. 
Every painting I have created so far has led me to the way I paint. The first painting of a flower looks so stiff to me now and I can barely look at it. But it was a process as I called my show 500 flowers the artists process. I had to paint so many to access that freedom I have now. 
But my new block of work will be created in smaller quantities focused on different areas of the land and I will travel across Britain going to specific areas to paint. I will start this in October when I have my studio and space to excel. Till now I will continue to create and practice. I am off to paint at Bayntun flowers as its dahlia season at the moment, which are wonderful to draw such proud plants. However I do feel this will be my last block of plant paintings that I will sell individually, as it wont suit the heart of what I am planning for next. 

llyn y fan fach, wales.

Monday, 22 August 2016

in recent times

- working my way through all these art documentaries. My favourites are the ones presented by Dr James cook. 

- Grayson Perry Directors Cut. My favourite part is where he is looking forward to being an artist again. Not being consumed with other projects other than his own. I feel the same that everything is on hold for me at the moment like I am in a dormant winter period. 

- Rebecca Salter Japanese Woodcuts video on the Ra site made me want to get printing again. 

- Listening to Lisa Hannigans new album At Swim. Favourite songs: Fall and Snow.

- I really fancy sitting and do nothing lately just eating Doughnuts from Pippin and watching grand designs. 

sleeping cat - ruskin

Sunday, 21 August 2016


"I use the Pensieve. One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one's mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form."
Albus Dumbledore 
Right now I could really do with a pensieve, I have so much floating about in my mind. It is like all my ideas are balloons and I am trying to grab on to them before they float away. Its frustrating but it also makes me excited to get in my studio so I can start creating. The studio hasn't even got foundations yet as its been so stressful trying to get it sorted. I keep thinking am I building a shed or a mansion? Me being me I read into this as a sign for me not to continue with putting my shed on the land or doing it at all. Then I got a call from the farmer who is allowing me to build on his land, " Lucy your phone is awful I can't hear what you are saying but it doesn't matter, you have got to only hear what I am saying, and I am telling you that you need to trust me. You are going to be ok on my land. That is all." and he hung up the phone. 


Saturday, 13 August 2016

of late

- Special Plants, is a nursery and garden. Was very inspired by this place, because of the design and planting. So much imagination. The building itself the garden is based around, is full of amazing mid century furniture and design. The owner is an architect and the wife does all the plants, great combination of talents. 

- spending hours looking at vessels for my pottery collaboration ( will explain in another post) . I am in love with egyptian and roman pots. The colours are so warm, with their pastel paints they used to decorate. 

- lots of documentary watching this week:

Katie Paterson - What Do Artists Do All Day

- poster for my show in Japan has now gone live into the world. 

- been attending the outside cinema at the Holborn organised by our local independent cinema in Bath. There is something about these kind of experiences I really like. 

picture of crystals found on pinterest

Saturday, 6 August 2016

of late

-  few favourites on instagram I like to follow. ashley helvey, nodi rugs, both have a certain aesthetic. Both have a very distinctive colour palette that I like. 

- went to London and visited 5 exhibitions, Bowie at Sotheby's, David Hockney portraits, Summer Exhibition, Georgia O'keeffe and the new section of the Tate. Each had its elements I liked, but my favourite was the new building of the Tate Modern. The building itself, not the art work in it, I thought the art was awful. But the building was seamless, I loved the alcoves where you could sit drink tea and look out the large windows. 

- talking of tea, I love that in Bath we have Comins tea. They have so much wisdom on their product. Also I covet everything in there, from their glasses to their tables they got made by Litton furniture

- favourite song at the moment: Strange weather by Anna Calvi. I wish I could sing like her. 


Thursday, 4 August 2016

finding balance

I have produced no work lately because I have been on the battle field. All my time is taken up fighting. Fighting to get my ideas across, fighting for my studio, fighting for my art work to stop being copied etc. I am exhausted. It also doesn't put me in the right frame of mind to work. I think while I spend all this time painting this lovely scroll I am sure a few months later I will post up an image of another artist who has completely ripped me off. It is the upsetting truth which is repeated throughout history. 
Now onwards, to think how I will come back from this point. I have decided to limit my energy output on to other projects other than my own. I will no longer do collaborations, favours, free work for publicity etc. What I have learnt is it doesn't grow you it weakens you. And this is not me being bitter, it is me deciding what is best for myself, my art. 

Commissions are different someone employing you for your uniqueness and employing you for what you already do. I have worked with some amazing people and companies on commissions. And they just flow as its balanced. And this is what it comes down to balance. My balance has been off with my self I will admit with all the projects I have on I have spread myself to thin. I need to come back to myself and recenter and this is how I see it happening. 

a well traveled woman